There are 5 common tracking tools in the market:
- Google Analytics
- Krux
- Omniture
- Sizmek
- Nielsen
1. GA (Google Analytics)
What is it?
- Free
- Analysis the behavior of the internet users and helps the business make wise decision.
How to test it?
Use GA real time feature to verify the page view and events.
Download Omnibug extension for Chrome
Download Google Analytics Debugger and check the GA tracking in the javascript console in the browser
2. krux
What is it?
Krux helps the clients to collect the non-PII( IP host address, pages viewed, browser type, Internet browsing and usage habits, Internet Service Provider, domain name, the time/date of a visit to a website, the referring URL and a computer or device’s operating system information to analysis:
- who are the consumer
- where are they come from?
- why do they like me?
- where do they go?
- what is the right strategy to engage them?
Please checkout for more details
How to test it?
Download Omnibug extension for Chrome
3. Omniture
What is it?
- Non-free
- A set of Analysis tools
How to test it?
Download Omnibug extension for Chrome;
4. Sizmek
What is it?
Sizmek is the world’s largest independent third-party ad server. And also you can use Sizmek tracking measure the effectiveness of the market campaign, e.g. how may clicks are coming from the advertisement.
How to test it?
Browse to , and turn the “testing” mode as “On”(Do remember to "Save"
), then when going to the page with Sizemek tracking, there will be a new page shown for all the info sent to the mediamind server.
5. Nielsen
What is it?
Nielsen study consumers in more than 100 countries to give you the most complete view of trends and habits worldwide.
How to test it?
Use Chrome extension - Observepoint
to verify the neilsen tracking for applications pages.